Dragon Ball Super Episode 103

Gohan, Show No Mercy! Showdown with Universe 10!!

Ribrianne and No. 17 fiercely attack each other, while Rozie begins to overwhelm Goku’s defenses. She surrounds him with ki balls and attempts to blow him up, but No. 17 protects him with a barrier. Goku, having studied Rozie’s techniques, hits her with a powerful ki blast. As he and No. 17 corner Rozie and Ribrianne, Jimeze arrives and rescues them. Elsewhere, Botamo challenges Gohan. As Piccolo and Goku observe, Gohan attacks with a flurry of blows, which apparently have no effect. However, Gohan’s attacks begin to lift Botamo off the ground, rendering him unable to defend himself. Gohan easily knocks him off the stage. Universe 10’s Obuni (オブニ) and Rubalt appear to challenge Gohan and Piccolo. Jimeze defeats Universe 10’s Jilcol (ジルコル Jirukoru) and Gowasu accepts the imminence of his demise, while Rumsshi remains defiant. Obuni shifts his ki away from his body to render himself impossible to detect and wounds Gohan. Piccolo uses his Hellzone Grenade attack to knock out and defeat Rubalt. Obuni begins to overwhelm Gohan, so he powers up to his Mystic form, powers through one of Obuni’s punches, and counterattacks. Gohan battles and defeats Obuni, eliminating Universe 10. Right before Universe 10 is annihilated, Gohan discovers a locket containing a picture of Obuni and his wife and child; both he and Universe 10’s angel Cus (クス Kusu) mourn Universe 10’s destruction.